One day, one very sunny day,
Mr Vegemite was hiding away.
Hidden in his house he lay,
For he was not saving the town today...
He was not the hero he once used to be,
For Mr Vegemite had run out of energy.
His tank was low,
and he didn't know,
How far he could go!
He used to be the towns hero, saving everybody from harm,
He would remain calm,
While putting out fires, catching robbers and raising the alarm.
He worked like a charm!
Today he decided to gain his energy back,
So that he could attack,
Those villians that were making the towns people jump back!
As he was walking down the streets,
People were staring because he hadn't been seen in weeks!
He tried his hardest to pick up the pace,
as if he were in some sort of race,
To try and avoid people staring at his face.
As he reached the mall,
He wondered if they had any... VEGEMITE at all?!?
The key!
To his loss of energy!
He walked slowly inside,
To find his pride,
and soon found what he was looking for,
The Vegemite that is,
To restore his crime-fighting fizz!
As soon as he swallowed it
It put a stop to all his grief,
What a relief!
He stocked up on Vegemite
so that he would always be there to fight.
He ran outside to see..
Somebody stuck in a tree!
As they cried "Rescue Me!"
Mr Vegemite pushed his special V,
To provide a ladder to help Shelley,
Who was his neighbour you see...
Once she was safely back on the ground,
people started crowding around.
She hugged him without a sound,
Thinking him for his good deed when she was in need.
Soon the towns mayor came,
And named Mr Vegemite the towns hero once again.
Mr Vegemite felt proud,
He also had a big croud,
AND people were cheerinjg out loud!!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
__C A M P I N G__A T__S A N D S P I T__ =]
Some time after we I went to Whangamata, I went camping up north at this place called SandSpit with my two step sisters, my sister and my dad.

It was really fun there but our timing was annoying because you can only go swimming when the tide is up because the water drains fully out. When we were there, the tide was up between 10-12ish everyday so we could only go swimming and in the boat and stuff in the morning. It was still nice and warm at that time but when it reached 2-3 o'clock, it was absolutely BOILING and we couldn't swim cause there was no water!!! Instead, we played golf and stuff and then we found out that there was a beach about 10minutes drive away so we went there when the tide was low at the campground.
On the second day that we went to the beach that was 10 minutes away, we were all in the water and my dad was yelling something about there being a sting ray. None of us believed him, and the next second he pulled up a baby sting ray out of the water !! We were all screaming so loudly and everybody was staring at us!
My dad through the sting ray (which turned out to be dead) down on the sand and a little crowd started forming around it.
This is a picture of us at the playground !!!!
When the water was up at the campsite beach, it was really flat and had no waves whatsoever which was good because it was easy to get up (and stay up) on the kneeboard.
The day after I went on the kneeboard, all of my back muscles, arm muscles AND thigh muscles were sore! Its actually really hard work stay up on the knee board and I feel preeeetty proud that I can get up!!!
We went on this random bush walk and this is a picture of us sitting in a tree!! =]
N e t b a l l !!
Netball is the BEST sport ever invented !!
This year for netball, our team is going to Rotorua for a competition. We have to do all this fundraising and stuff for it, like today we did a sausage sizzle at lunch time and we are doing some raffle thing on the weekend.
We also have to do cross country training with all the pro runners... We did it on Wednesday and it was soooo boring!!! I absolutely HATE running. We also had to do it at morning tea so I was starving and all the people on the field were watching and laughing at us running up and down.
Hopefully we only have to keep doing it until Rotorua..
This year for netball, our team is going to Rotorua for a competition. We have to do all this fundraising and stuff for it, like today we did a sausage sizzle at lunch time and we are doing some raffle thing on the weekend.
We also have to do cross country training with all the pro runners... We did it on Wednesday and it was soooo boring!!! I absolutely HATE running. We also had to do it at morning tea so I was starving and all the people on the field were watching and laughing at us running up and down.
Hopefully we only have to keep doing it until Rotorua..
One Click From Danger Movie... ((dun dun dun...))
When we were watching this movie in class, I only saw the end of it because I came ino class late because I was at cross country practise... So I am going to watch it on YouTube right now...
Ok now I have watched it...
Its about this freaky guy who finds these two girls off the internet through their MySpace accounts and manages to track them down. He found out about a school trip that they were going on by reading thier comments that they had posted eachother. He went to where the school trip was and followed the girls around without them realising. They eventually did realise that they were being followed and soon after the man approached one of them and said that he knew who she was. She somehow figured out that it was the person who had been chatting to her online so she took a pictuer of him to find out who he was.
It turns out that he had done tones of stuff like this in the past and so he was arrested.
After watching that movie, I realised that it is actually REALLY dangerous to put stupid stuff like your last name or school on the internet. (this blog page thing has my last name on it as my address and I have no idea how to change it !!! =0 !!!).
Ok now I have watched it...
Its about this freaky guy who finds these two girls off the internet through their MySpace accounts and manages to track them down. He found out about a school trip that they were going on by reading thier comments that they had posted eachother. He went to where the school trip was and followed the girls around without them realising. They eventually did realise that they were being followed and soon after the man approached one of them and said that he knew who she was. She somehow figured out that it was the person who had been chatting to her online so she took a pictuer of him to find out who he was.
It turns out that he had done tones of stuff like this in the past and so he was arrested.
After watching that movie, I realised that it is actually REALLY dangerous to put stupid stuff like your last name or school on the internet. (this blog page thing has my last name on it as my address and I have no idea how to change it !!! =0 !!!).
aDeLiNe YeN mAh...
Her Childhood...
Adeline Yen Mah was born on November 30th 1937 in Tainjin, China. As ayoung child, Adeline Yen Mah was considered bad luck because of hermother's death two weeks after her birth. Her father re-married about ayear later to a half-Chinese and half-French woman. Adeline lived in a bighouse in Tainjin with, her grandfather (YeYe), her grandmother (Nai Nai),her mother's close friend (Aunt Baba), her father (Joseph Yen), herstep-mother (Jeanne Virginie Prosperi, whom she refers to as Niang) hertwo step siblings (Fourth Brother and Younger Sister), her three brothers(Big Brother, 2nd Brother and 3rd Brother) and her older sister (BigSister).
Adeline did extremely well at her school, St Joseph’s. She studied hard toreceive a medal each week to gain her fathers recognition of her. Her father disappeared one day, along with her stepmother and her twostepsiblings. Whilst his disappearance, Adeline's grandmother died of amassive stroke.
Out of the blue, one and a half years later after he disappeared, hereturned to Tainjin and moved the whole family to Shanghai.
After living in Shanghai for years. Adeline loved her school and was very popular there. Unfortunately, her step mother Niang catches her secretly attending a birthday party and dumps her back in Tianjin at Boarding School.
After only afew months there, Adeline was the only student left. Everybody else had been taken away by their families because the Communists were invading Tianjin so they were fleeing while they could. Of course Adeline was forgotten about by her family but luckily Aunt Reine (Niangs sister) comes and rescues her and takes her to Hong Kong where all the rest of Adelines family were.
Adeline then attended boarding school in Hong Kong and then was allowed by her father to go to oxford university in England to study medicane.
Her Adult Life...
Adeline Yen Mah is now a Physician and a Writer. She is married to Robert Mah who is a Professor of Microbiology at UCLA. She has two children, her son is an anesthesiologist in Santa Monica and her daughter works in publishing in New York City.
About Her Books...
Her first book Falling Leaves was published in 1997. Falling Leaves is a true story about her childhood and her struggle for acceptance.New York Times Best Seller, it sold over one million copies worldwide and translated into 18 different languages. Chinese Cinderella was her second book, which is a children’s version of Falling Leaves. It was published in 1999 and sold over 500,000 copies worldwide. It received an award from Children’s Literature Council of Southern California in 2000 for Compelling Autobiography. It also received Lamplighter’s Award from National Christian School Association in June, 2002 for contribution to Exceptional Children’s Literature.Published in 2001, was her third book Watching The Tree about how a Chinese daughter reflects on happiness, spiritual beliefs and universal wisdom.Her fourth book, was A Thousand Pieces of Gold published in October 2002.Her latest book, Chinese Cinderella And The Secret Dragon Society is about how Ye Xian gets kicked out of her home and turns to her Grandma Wu and The Secret Dragon Society. She takes up the name of Chinese Cinderella and the society becomes her replacement family. She grows to appreciate the belief systems and way of life this new family offers her.
Brief Time Line...
-Adeline Yen Mah was born in Tianjin, China on 30 November 1937.
-Her mother died two weeks after her birth on 14 December 1937. Adeline was considered to be a source of bad luck by her family.
-Moved to Shanghai at a young age and then moved to Hongkong when she was11.
-In Hongkong, she won an international writing competition at age offourteen and moved to London, England.
-Graduated from London Hospital Medical School as a physician andspecialized in anesthesiology.
-Married, and had two children.
-First book Falling Leaves published in 1997.
- Second book Chinese Cinderella published in 1999 as children’s versionof falling leaves.
- Received award from Children’s Literature Council of Southern California in 2000 for Compelling Autobiography.
- Won Lamplighter’s Award from National Christian School Association in June, 2002 for contribution to Exceptional Children’s Literature.
-Third book Watching the tree published in 2001.
-Fourth book `A Thousand Pieces of Gold’ published in October, 2002.
Adeline Yen Mah was born on November 30th 1937 in Tainjin, China. As ayoung child, Adeline Yen Mah was considered bad luck because of hermother's death two weeks after her birth. Her father re-married about ayear later to a half-Chinese and half-French woman. Adeline lived in a bighouse in Tainjin with, her grandfather (YeYe), her grandmother (Nai Nai),her mother's close friend (Aunt Baba), her father (Joseph Yen), herstep-mother (Jeanne Virginie Prosperi, whom she refers to as Niang) hertwo step siblings (Fourth Brother and Younger Sister), her three brothers(Big Brother, 2nd Brother and 3rd Brother) and her older sister (BigSister).
Adeline did extremely well at her school, St Joseph’s. She studied hard toreceive a medal each week to gain her fathers recognition of her. Her father disappeared one day, along with her stepmother and her twostepsiblings. Whilst his disappearance, Adeline's grandmother died of amassive stroke.
Out of the blue, one and a half years later after he disappeared, hereturned to Tainjin and moved the whole family to Shanghai.
After living in Shanghai for years. Adeline loved her school and was very popular there. Unfortunately, her step mother Niang catches her secretly attending a birthday party and dumps her back in Tianjin at Boarding School.
After only afew months there, Adeline was the only student left. Everybody else had been taken away by their families because the Communists were invading Tianjin so they were fleeing while they could. Of course Adeline was forgotten about by her family but luckily Aunt Reine (Niangs sister) comes and rescues her and takes her to Hong Kong where all the rest of Adelines family were.
Adeline then attended boarding school in Hong Kong and then was allowed by her father to go to oxford university in England to study medicane.
Her Adult Life...
Adeline Yen Mah is now a Physician and a Writer. She is married to Robert Mah who is a Professor of Microbiology at UCLA. She has two children, her son is an anesthesiologist in Santa Monica and her daughter works in publishing in New York City.
About Her Books...
Her first book Falling Leaves was published in 1997. Falling Leaves is a true story about her childhood and her struggle for acceptance.New York Times Best Seller, it sold over one million copies worldwide and translated into 18 different languages. Chinese Cinderella was her second book, which is a children’s version of Falling Leaves. It was published in 1999 and sold over 500,000 copies worldwide. It received an award from Children’s Literature Council of Southern California in 2000 for Compelling Autobiography. It also received Lamplighter’s Award from National Christian School Association in June, 2002 for contribution to Exceptional Children’s Literature.Published in 2001, was her third book Watching The Tree about how a Chinese daughter reflects on happiness, spiritual beliefs and universal wisdom.Her fourth book, was A Thousand Pieces of Gold published in October 2002.Her latest book, Chinese Cinderella And The Secret Dragon Society is about how Ye Xian gets kicked out of her home and turns to her Grandma Wu and The Secret Dragon Society. She takes up the name of Chinese Cinderella and the society becomes her replacement family. She grows to appreciate the belief systems and way of life this new family offers her.
Brief Time Line...
-Adeline Yen Mah was born in Tianjin, China on 30 November 1937.
-Her mother died two weeks after her birth on 14 December 1937. Adeline was considered to be a source of bad luck by her family.
-Moved to Shanghai at a young age and then moved to Hongkong when she was11.
-In Hongkong, she won an international writing competition at age offourteen and moved to London, England.
-Graduated from London Hospital Medical School as a physician andspecialized in anesthesiology.
-Married, and had two children.
-First book Falling Leaves published in 1997.
- Second book Chinese Cinderella published in 1999 as children’s versionof falling leaves.
- Received award from Children’s Literature Council of Southern California in 2000 for Compelling Autobiography.
- Won Lamplighter’s Award from National Christian School Association in June, 2002 for contribution to Exceptional Children’s Literature.
-Third book Watching the tree published in 2001.
-Fourth book `A Thousand Pieces of Gold’ published in October, 2002.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Our Trip To The Museum...
Last Friday we went to the Auckland Memorial Museum to look at things to do with World War One.
Our class got split into two groups and my group went with 10WAT. We all piled into the bus and headed for Auckland...
When we got there, we first went into the WW1 area and had to answer questions on this long as worksheet. The questions were pretty pointless because half of them had nothing to do with what we were studying. I also didnt really learn much because the questions were little one answer things and we just had to find the piece of information in the museum that had the answer in it and write it down... Like we didn't focus on anything in particular, it was just all this random stuff.
It was pretty boring aswell. We skipped morning tea and only got to eat at about 12.30 so I was STARVING.
Eventually we had lunch outside in the Domain.
Lastly we just went into this random Wild Child area which had a giant elephant which Ms Wilson said was real !?!?! We just went there to fill in the time we had left at the Museum.
Our class got split into two groups and my group went with 10WAT. We all piled into the bus and headed for Auckland...
When we got there, we first went into the WW1 area and had to answer questions on this long as worksheet. The questions were pretty pointless because half of them had nothing to do with what we were studying. I also didnt really learn much because the questions were little one answer things and we just had to find the piece of information in the museum that had the answer in it and write it down... Like we didn't focus on anything in particular, it was just all this random stuff.
It was pretty boring aswell. We skipped morning tea and only got to eat at about 12.30 so I was STARVING.
Eventually we had lunch outside in the Domain.
Lastly we just went into this random Wild Child area which had a giant elephant which Ms Wilson said was real !?!?! We just went there to fill in the time we had left at the Museum.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Whangamata !!!
This photo is of Me and Cerise at the beach in Whangamata!!
We went there for ten days sometime after Christmas and it was SO MUCH FUN!!
We went to the beach every single day and the weather was sunny the whole time we were there and we got sweet as tans!! We went surfing, boogie-boarding, kayaking and shopping, and there was a really nice gourmet bakery near the beach which we went to alot.
The house was pretty old and the mattresses in our room were REALLY saggy!! And also the shower down stairs was out of control and sprayed out in all directions everywhere and the one up stairs was like a little drizzle and barely any water came out!!
It was still really fun and the house was better than most of the other ones you could stay in up there!
It was still really fun and the house was better than most of the other ones you could stay in up there!
This one is of us eating oranges on the deck after we went to the beach. We would sit up there and yell crazy things out to the people walking past and it was really funny!!
This one of us is at the beach on our last day I think... We went to the beach early (10am is reeeeally early for us) because we wanted to make the most out of our last day. We ended up staying until 4pm and we had been surfing the whole time!! It was SO MUCH FUN !!!
This last one of us is when we were in the car on the way back. We had just had McDonalds and were eating lollypops =] !!
We both really didnt want to leave and wanted to stay an extra week but we weren't allowed =(
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