Thursday, May 29, 2008
Class Photo EDITED ! =D

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away ?

An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away ?!
TRUE ! Apples contain lots of nutritional value.
A medium sized apple only has about 80 calories, no cholesterol and no fat. They help..
- Reduce the risk of cancer...
- Reduce high blood pressure and heart disease because of their low sodium...
- The vitamin A in them help strengthen vision and help bone and tooth development...
InTeReStiNg FaCtS >>
__Apples are made up of 25% air which means they can float.
__The apple peel is actually a layer of wax preserving the apple to keep it crisp and fresh.
__7500 varieties of apples are grown around the world
__Two thirds of the fibre in apples are found in its skin.
__October is national appple month.
__ An apple cleans your teeth and nourishes your gums.
__Two apples are equivelant to one glass of water to quench your thirst.
__An apple contains about 80% to 85% water.
__Apples are part of the rose family.
__The world record for the largest apple picked is three pounds !
Friday, May 23, 2008
Creative Writing ~ Lost in The Supermarket...

I turned around and the cheerful grin on my face immediately disappeared. My mum wasn’t there. My heart pounding loudly in my chest, I tried to remain calm as my eyes anxiously darted around in search of my mum. She was nowhere in sight and I began to panic. Tears came to my eyes as the thought came to my mind that my mum would forget about me and leave me here..
I began to wonder around through the cleaning product isle in search for her, with the smell of detergent and soap lingering around. Giant trolleys rumbled past me which resulted in me having to crawl out of a tightly packed isle to avoid being crushed. Still teary, I managed to edge slowly out and crouch in a corner away from harm. My tears soon turned into sobs as I tried to think of something other than what was actually happening. I could still taste the blueberry muffin that I had eaten for lunch an hour ago, but even that wasn’t a distraction to me right now. I could hear the grinding of trolleys and the muffled voices of customers when all of a sudden I could faintly here my name being called out. I thought I was imagining it but then I heard it again more clearly and this time I recognised it was my mums voice. I felt a small relief but I needed to see her to believe it.
As my eyes whizzed around, slightly blurry form my tears, they focussed on my mum. Relief and happiness flooded over me. I sprinted up to her and hugged her, crying even harder than before but this time with a huge grin on my face. I felt like I was safe again.
Confused, my mum asked me what the matter was and if I wanted the strawberry or blueberry shampoo.
It turns out she was in the isle the whole time, metres away from where I was crouched on the ground crying because I thought I’d lost her.
It just made me realise how much I needed my mum. Even though I was already 3 I still depended on my mum and I would not be able to cope without her. =]
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Creative Writing - WGP College in The Future..
It's been 48 years since I had set foot in this school.. Whangaparaoa College was abandoned about 30 years ago when it went bankrupt. All of the renevations were complete when not long after, a major error was discovered in the banking. The school had no choice but to close down.
As the rest of the school came into view, I realised how much had changed in the world. Today we were used to seeing narrow, multiple story buildings made from dark tinted glass with electronic windows, doors and convertable rooves.
But now, standing here, I remember when buildings were made from things like bricks, concrete, wood, tiles and plaster, you had to physically open windows and doors by hand, and rooves just stayed put on the top of buildings.
I carried on walking through the school. My pace slowed. Memories started to flood back to me. I remembered all of the good and bad experiences that I went through here. I felt sad but happy at the same time. Sad because all of were over. Happy because those memories would always be with me..
Abruptly out of nowhere, a tree branch fell onto one of the walls making a slight dent. Confused that such a small branch could dent a wall, I looked towards the dent and in the corner of my eye I spotted my name written in vibrant flourecent writing in the corner of the wall. "Billy." I read aloud. I then noticed a faint arrow pointing to where the tree branch had dented the wall. Curiously, I peeled away some of the plaster that was covering the wall. There was nothing behind it. No wood, cement or brick.. That explained why the small branch was able to dent it. It was like the tree branch was meant to fall. I felt a chill go down my spine and my instinct told me to leave, but I had to find out more. So I pulled away more of the plaster only to reveal a medium sized box squeezed into the whole in the wall.
Creative Writing..
This particular Sunday, we were all completely and utterly unaware of what was about to happen. We sat in the very front row of the seats to get good view.
As always, the men were positioned on the bulls and the gates were on the verge of opening. The bull that dad was on looked slightly more fierce and angry than all of the other ones. I felt a bit anxious and worried about the bull he was on but then I reassured myself by thinking of all of the times I had freaked myself out for no reason, worrying about what would happen to dad; it always turned out that he had been absolutely fine. I couldn’t count how many times that had happened but I still couldn’t help having a gut feeling.
All of a sudden the loud booming horn abruptly sounded and the gates flung open. The arena was suddenly drowned with deafening cheers and applause.
I looked up to see that dad had already fallen off his bull. I froze. Fear washed over me and a started to figure out exactly what was about to happen. It just came together like the pieces of a puzzle. I could see the wild and ferocious bull charging towards dad.. My eyes darted towards the gate which lead the way out of the arena. Locked. Panic stricken, I realised that the audience had silenced and only gasps could be heard. As the bull continued to charge towards dad, he leapt up onto his feet and bolted to the gate. Obviously realising that there was no chance of it being unlocked, he just leapt right over it and to everybody’s amazement; so did the bull.
I could hear my heart thudding loudly in my chest as I screamed out “ Dad ! Somebody do something ! ” With tears rolling down my face I had no idea what was going to happen next but I knew it wouldn’t be good..
The lake. My heart lifted. There was a lake on the other side of the gate ! Surely a bull wouldn’t jump into the water? Right? Wrong.
I strained my neck to see what was going on. Once the bull came into my view, I saw dad just keep running into the water. The bull plunged straight in after him. I could not explain how I was feeling. Despite what was happening, time seemed to steady itself. I had never been more terrified in my entire life. Not knowing what was going to happen to my dad was the worst feeling I have ever experienced.
The second the bull touched the clear blue lake, it began to thrash around. It couldn’t swim. As dad swam safely out of the way of the bull, relief flooded over me, I felt shaky but better. Dad was safe.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
World Vision 40 Hour Famine !
To make sure that all of the money actually gets to those countries, it is not handled through the government. World Vision itself controlls the money.
The idea is to spend 40 hours of your life in ways that children in those countries live all the time. "It's Your Weekend - Their Life."
"My Name Is Miranda..."
Six year old Miranda has never known her parents. When she was just 1 her father died of Milaria. Her family was devistated and struggled to get by - losing dad also meant losing most of the family's source of income and security. Just one year later, further tradgedy struck. While selling produce at the market to support her young family, Miranda's mum was hit by a car and was killed.
Miranda's sister, Loveness and brother, Wesley were left to look after Miranda, her young niece and her two other siblings. Miranda's sister Loveness then got HIV aids and died not too long ago.
Wesley is barely 19 and is doing the best to look after Miranda and her two brothers along with her niece, who Loveness left behind. He struggles to earn money for food. Eating breakfast is a luxury for these children; most days they go without.
World Vision discovered Miranda and her four siblings huddled in the corner of their run down house, after rain water had flooded most of the room.
Miranda is the face of thousands of children in Malwai and thousands more in other developing countries, struggling to survive amongst desperate poverty. Her situation is no uncommon but change is happening.
Thankfully, Miranda and her siblings live in a city where World Vision has established and urban area development programme. World Vision repaired the family's roof and gave Wesley financial assistance to start his own small business. With the opportunity to earn more, he will ne able to buy more food for Miranda and the rest of her siblings.
Funds you raise for the 40 hour Famine make hope a reality for children like Miranda. You have the power to change lives.
Your Weekend - Their Life.
The 2004 Tsunami...
It mainly affected Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India and Thailand but in total eleven coutries were hit by gigantic tsunamis which were up to 30m high. The disaster killed 225,000 people.
There were no Tsunami warning systems in the Indian Ocean so everybody was unprepared and unaware.
It caused the planet to vibrate up to 1cm !!!!
I remember when the Tsunami hit.. it was all over the news for weeks. People were fundraising to repair the damage all over the place. It wasn't like a sudden thing. People kept dying for days or even weeks because there were three waves in total which caused floods aswell.
People as far away as South Africa were even killed. Eight people died there because of abnormally high sea levels.
Nations from all over the world pulled together $7 BILLION, which $5 of it I donated =D .
My Cat Gypsy !! =D
This is a picture I took of her... She should be on the Whiskers packets ! =]
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
The Eye !
Summary Of The Movie..
The eye tells the story of Sydney Wells ((Jessica Alba)) and how she loses her sight in her early childhood. Throughout her life, Sydney accomplishes many things despite the fact that she is blind. She manages to live life by relying on her other sences such as smell, touch, taste, hearing and scent. But now after waiting her whole life, she undergoes a cornea transplant to completely restore her sight.
After some difficult adjusting, Sydney is able to make out exactly what she is seeing which she soon realises is not normal. She begins to see haunting images, horrifying disasters and spirits being escorted away after thier death.
Sydney, being blind her pretty much her whole life, is not sure if this is what she is meant to be seeing. She starts feeling confused, scared, worried, curious, unsure and frightened because she is sure that this is not what the world really looks like and she cannot trust her eyes, as they are not truely hers. Sydney confides in Dr Paul Faukner, the specialist who is helping her use her eyes properly. He reassures her that it is all in her mind because her brain is not used to having all five senses.
Sydney tries to block out the disturbing imagas and visions but then she begins to dream things that she has never dreamt of nor seen before. Later she is shown a photgraph of herself which she does not recongnise because it is not what she sees when she looks in the mirror.
Determined to find out what is going on with her and that she is not crazy, Sydney researches organ donars. She discovers that some people who have had organ transplants in the past have some sort of connection with the donar, and is sure that that was what was happeing to her.
After finding out about her cornea donar, Sydney and Dr Paul Faulkner set out to Mexico, where her donar once lived.
Once in Mexico, they manage to find Anna's (the donar) mother who tells them about a rapid fire a few years ago that killed the lives of many. She also spoke to them of Anna's gift. Or curse. Anna could sence when people were about to die and seconds before the fire struck, Anna tried to warn everyone. Nobody believed her but moments later they were all killed after and explosion caused a fire. Anna survived but the people of the town blamed her and never forgave her which resulted in her comitting suicide.
Sydney had been given her eyes and Anna was who she saw in the mirror. What she still didn't know, was what the visions she kept having meant.
She soon found out when there was a road block on the wasy back from Mexico. Sydney could sence hundreds of people's deaths and knew that this is what Anna wanted her to do. Save them all. She knew now that by saving all of these people, Anna would finally be able to rest in peace. Sydney needed to do what Anna failed to.
A large gasoline truck was among the traffic jammed along the highway and as soon as Sydney saw it she knew she had to get everyone out of thier cars. By using quick a quick excuse of "There is a bomb on the bus !" she manages to get everyone out of danger seconds before police chase cars collide with the gasoline truck. A massive fire ignites and smashes car windows everywhere. Shattered glass falls directly into Sydneys eyes...
She is rushed to hospital and loses her sight once again.
Speach Sydney gives in last scene which I think is pretty powerful and sums up the story that was told..
"Some say seeing is believing. Now I know what they mean.
Anna knew when death was coming but she was powerless to prevent it.
Anna and I shared both a blessing and a curse.
I know now that I don't need eyes to see what truely matters. The gift of Anna's sight made me see what I was afraid to, to use that vision to not only save myself and others, but to give Anna the peace she never found in life..."
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The Jonas Brothers !!

Kevin ... Joe... Nick... ^
How The Band Started ...
When Nick Jonas was 6 years old, he was heard singing in a barber shop. He was then introduced to a professional show business manager who started Nick performing in Broadway. By the age of seven, Nick had performed in a number of big plays.
In 2002, Nick wrote a Christmas Carol with his father which was later discovered in 2003 by INO and COLUMBIA records. An album was released called "Dear God" featuring Nick's songs.
In early 2005, COLUMBIA records discovered songs that the three brothers had written and performed together and decided to sign the three as a group act.
Since then they have been known as The Jonas Brothers and continue to write, record and perform songs.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
My Friend.. Courtney !! =]
The complete opposite if Courtney is boring. Whatever we are doing together, even the most boring everyday things, she somehow always makes me laugh and we have fun all the time.
Another great thing about Courtney is like how she is not just into one specific thing.. For example like she is not obsessed with say music. Yes she does like listening to music but she is the type if person who you could invite anywhere. Even for two completely opposite things like eg rock climbing and shopping. She will always make things fun and its never awkward or quiet when she is around.
One thing Courtney is really good at wouldn't surprise you. Drama. Especially improvisation stuff. She just gets up on stage and says and does whatever comes to her head which is almost always completely random, Like this one time in improvisation, the play she was in was getting really boring so Courtney goes, "Let's turn this into one of my INDIAN COOKING shows!" Everyone laughed and were probably thinking, typical Courtney. With Courtney you actually never know what she is going to say! =]
Overall. Courtney is a great friend and is always fun to be around !!! =D
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
A Parent..
Sometimes you may think that that is the only purpose of parents. You just take for granted what they really do for you.. Provide food and shelter for you, care for you, clean up after you, drive you around everywhere, buy you things, is always there for you no matter what, pay for school trips and sports fees and stuff, support you in whatever it is you choose to do... These are few of the things that parents do for their children and I think that children should always remember exactly how much their parent(s) do for them.
~(( HoMeWoRk PaRt ))~
My Parent..
My dad.. This is a bit about my dad..!
-He is always joking around and you can usually never tell if he is lying or not unless he has what we call his "cheesy face" on which is the face he sometimes pulls when hes not telling the truth.
-When Im with him, we are almost always doing something fun. The main reason for that is because I only see him every second weekend so we kind of make the most of it.
-He also loves to take us places. When he was young, his father never really took him to places and he missed out on a father-son relationship so he always makes sure he takes us out and about.
-My dad always forces me to eat the dreaded.. peas. He says he just wants me to be "healthy." One thing my dad will always do will stick to what he says. If he asks me to eat peas, theres no way out and I have to end up swallowing them like tablets with a glass of water.
Creative Writing...
I didn't feel like myself. I felt as if someone or something was taking over me, as if it were controlling me, even maybe possesing me.. Somehow i knew exactly what I was doing. I knew precisely what angle to turn at, I knew what to do with my arms and legs, I knew how to control the bike underneath me that was hurtling out of control, but most importantly I was certain on how I was going to land.
All of a sudden, the sense of knowing what I was doing abrubtly ended. As I continued to soar through the bright blue sky, my mind came into reality and fear washed over me. Time seemed to steady itself and I felt as if I would be stuck in this terrifying situation forever. My biggest dread was I was unsure of how I was going to land. I felt as if I had been putting off the shocking reality of landing, and now I could put it off no longer.
My heart seemed to pump louder as the hard solid concrete below me appeared closer. I tried my hardest to search for that feeling and sense that I was experiencing moments before, the sense of knowing what to do. It seemed impossible to grasp now that I was panicking.
The next thing I knew I hit the firm concrete with a thud. I landed on my elbow which I felt and could've sworn I heard crack.
I must have blacked out because I woke up in hospital afew hours later. As I woke up my senses came into focus. I could see the blurry outline of people standing around me. I could hear their muffled voices chattering away quietly. I could smell that hospital smell of cleaning product linguring around.
Never would I ride a bike again. This experience has put me off for life and I now find it hard to believe I was risking my life just to do afew tricks on a bike...
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Random Poems !! =D
One fine day in the middle of the night,
Two dead boys got up to fight,
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew their swords and shot each other,
One was blind and the other couldn't see
So they chose a dummy for a referee.
A blind man went to see fair play,
A dumb man went to shout "hooray!"
A paralysed donkey passing by,
Kicked the blind man in the eye,
Knocked him through a nine inch wall,
Into a dry ditch and drowned them all,
A deaf policeman heard the noise,
And came to arrest the two dead boys,
If you don't believe this story’s true,
Ask the blind man he saw it too!
-Author Unknown
Chelsea had some chocolate milkbut spilled it on her shirt.
Jackson got his jacket rippedwhile rolling in the dirt.
Emily and Isabellamust have had a fight.
Alexander looks as ifhe stayed awake all night.
Abigail is absent,as are Ryan, Ross, and Ruth.
Max is in pajamas,and Mackenzie lost a tooth.
Brandon broke his glasses.
Sarah’s sweater doesn’t fit.
Jacob has a bloody nose,
and Zoe has a zit.
We should all be crabby,
but we’re smiling anyway.
Our mums and dads are gonna scream—today is picture day!
-Kenn Nesbitt
R_A_I_N_B_O_W_S !!! =]

Each of the 7 colours that make up white light is bent at a different angle when the light hits a drop of water, so the 7 colours show up separately.
A prism works like a raindrop to bend light so you can see the colours of a rainbow.

Panic! At The Disco ...
Their music stlye includes pop, electronica, dance, rock, reggae and traditional jazz.
Brendon Urie !!

Brendon Urie was born in Las Vegas, Nevada on the 12th April 1987. He is the lead singer of the band and he can also play key board, bass, accordian, piano, organ and guitar.
And I'd just thought that I'd let you know.. he's a vegetarian.
Ryan Ross

Ryan Ross was born August 30, 1986 in Summerlin Nevada. He is the lead guitarist and back up vocals for the band.
Jon Walker

Jon Walker (Full name Jonathon Jacob Walker) was born September 17 1985 in Chicago. He is the Bass in the band and replaced former bass player Brent Wilson.
Spencer Smith

Spencer Smith was born September 2, 1987 in Summerlin, Nevada. He is the drummer and percussion in the band.
He is the youngest member of the band.
On the 24th of August Me, Cerise and Bree are going to their concert !!!! =]