An Apple A Day Keeps The Doctor Away ?!
TRUE ! Apples contain lots of nutritional value.
A medium sized apple only has about 80 calories, no cholesterol and no fat. They help..
- Reduce the risk of cancer...
- Reduce high blood pressure and heart disease because of their low sodium...
- The vitamin A in them help strengthen vision and help bone and tooth development...
InTeReStiNg FaCtS >>
__Apples are made up of 25% air which means they can float.
__The apple peel is actually a layer of wax preserving the apple to keep it crisp and fresh.
__7500 varieties of apples are grown around the world
__Two thirds of the fibre in apples are found in its skin.
__October is national appple month.
__ An apple cleans your teeth and nourishes your gums.
__Two apples are equivelant to one glass of water to quench your thirst.
__An apple contains about 80% to 85% water.
__Apples are part of the rose family.
__The world record for the largest apple picked is three pounds !
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