Wednesday, March 19, 2008

One Click From Danger Movie... ((dun dun dun...))

When we were watching this movie in class, I only saw the end of it because I came ino class late because I was at cross country practise... So I am going to watch it on YouTube right now...


Ok now I have watched it...

Its about this freaky guy who finds these two girls off the internet through their MySpace accounts and manages to track them down. He found out about a school trip that they were going on by reading thier comments that they had posted eachother. He went to where the school trip was and followed the girls around without them realising. They eventually did realise that they were being followed and soon after the man approached one of them and said that he knew who she was. She somehow figured out that it was the person who had been chatting to her online so she took a pictuer of him to find out who he was.
It turns out that he had done tones of stuff like this in the past and so he was arrested.

After watching that movie, I realised that it is actually REALLY dangerous to put stupid stuff like your last name or school on the internet. (this blog page thing has my last name on it as my address and I have no idea how to change it !!! =0 !!!).

1 comment:

Bubbles said...