Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A Parent..

A parent.. What is a parent? Someone who always makes you tidy your room and do chores? Someone who forces you to eat your vegetable and wont allow ice cream for breakfast? Someone who bosses you around and punishes you for being "cheeky?" Someone who keeps you in line and doesn't let you have too much fun? Or just someone who just simply 'looks after you? Right? Wrong.

Sometimes you may think that that is the only purpose of parents. You just take for granted what they really do for you.. Provide food and shelter for you, care for you, clean up after you, drive you around everywhere, buy you things, is always there for you no matter what, pay for school trips and sports fees and stuff, support you in whatever it is you choose to do... These are few of the things that parents do for their children and I think that children should always remember exactly how much their parent(s) do for them.

~(( HoMeWoRk PaRt ))~

My Parent..
My dad.. This is a bit about my dad..!
-He is always joking around and you can usually never tell if he is lying or not unless he has what we call his "cheesy face" on which is the face he sometimes pulls when hes not telling the truth.
-When Im with him, we are almost always doing something fun. The main reason for that is because I only see him every second weekend so we kind of make the most of it.
-He also loves to take us places. When he was young, his father never really took him to places and he missed out on a father-son relationship so he always makes sure he takes us out and about.
-My dad always forces me to eat the dreaded.. peas. He says he just wants me to be "healthy." One thing my dad will always do will stick to what he says. If he asks me to eat peas, theres no way out and I have to end up swallowing them like tablets with a glass of water.

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